Everyone in Animation World freaked out when Disney pulled Chris Sanders off the upcoming CGI flick American Dog. But what's really going on? (Source: jimhillmedia.com) Wha' happened? The Walt Disney Film Animation division, and its chief creative officers John Lasseter and Ed Catmull, pink-slipped director Chris Sanders (Lilo and Stitch) and 166 animators off the upcoming animated flick American Dog , which was supposed to be Disney's big summer flick for 2008. Considering that Lilo and Stitch has been a rare bright spot for Disney animation, and Sanders commands a great deal of respect in the industry, Lasseter & Catmull started to look like the Grinch Who Stole Christmas ("You're as cuddly as a cactus . . .). However, a closer look reveals some interesting details. Now that Pixar is essentially a Disney subsidiary, there's no need for Disney to stay in the CGI animation business. In fact, there's a very compelling reason for Disney NOT to stay in CGI...